Foods high in iron that help to increase hemoglobin

Do you always feel dull? Do you more often experience low energy levels all the time? Then this can be a strong sign for low haemoglobin levels in blood. Low haemoglobin levels or a low red blood cell count are indicators of anaemia. It’s a typical issue with kids due to iron deficiency. And that’s what is the main culprit as the body does not get enough oxygen and thus results in tiredness and utter weakness! Can we do something about it? Yes, definitely! The main cause behind low haemoglobin levels is Iron deficiency. 

For children’s healthy growth and development, both physically and mentally, iron is a vital dietary mineral. Children who don’t get enough iron in their bodies can suffer serious consequences because their muscles, tissues, and cells won’t obtain the oxygen they require. And thus with the consumption of foods high in iron, its level bars can be elevated. 

So let’s begin.

WHATSAPP for concerns like Speech Delay, Low Weight, Frequent Illness, Hyperactivity, Low Concentration, Weak Eyesight, Improper Sleep, Pigmentation, Pores, Face Marks, Fine Lines , Lactation etc.

What is haemoglobin?

Our red blood cells contain an important protein called Haemoglobin . This protein carries oxygen along with it through the blood. Our cells are given energy by this oxygen. Thus,  a low haemoglobin concentration could indicate a number of illnesses, including cancer and several types of anaemia.

Signs and Symptoms

Some common signs of Low haemoglobin levels include:

  • Fatigue
  • Pale skin and gums
  • Weakness
  • Shortness of breath
  • Rapid or irregular heartbeat
  • Problems with growth and development in children and teens
  • Cold hands and feet
  • Dizziness
  • Pain in bones, chest, belly

Some important things to remember 

  • Certain forms of anaemia are passed down through your genes, and infants may have it from birth.
  • Women are at risk of iron-deficiency anaemia because of blood loss from their periods and higher blood supply demands during pregnancy.
  • Older adults have a greater risk of anaemia because they are more likely to have kidney disease or other chronic medical conditions.

Iron deficiency affects about 20% of women, 50% of pregnant women, and 3% of males. Increased consumption of foods high in iron is the frequent solution. 

Let’s look at the foods that can help.

Nutritional Tips

The foods rich in iron includes:


Beetroot is one of the best ways to increase haemoglobin levels as its one of the foods high in iron. Studies suggest that drinking 500ml of beetroot juice a day can reduce the risk of anaemia in kids. Beetroots are rich in B vitamins, iron, manganese, copper, magnesium, potassium and also contain betalains (a class of antioxidants), that helps in reducing free radicals and inflammation in the body. It helps in proper digestion, boosts immunity and also improves blood circulation.

Also, check Proven health benefits of Beetroot for Kids and Adults.


It is one of the iron-rich foods for kids. Bitter gourd is a rich source of vitamins and minerals. It is also extremely rich in iron and other nutrients like magnesium, potassium and vitamins like A and C. Along with vitamin A and C, it is also high in calcium. Various antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds are present in bitter gourd.


Soaked black chana is one of the best sources of iron for the vegetarians. It helps in improving the hemoglobin levels. Sprouts are low in calories and rich in fibre, enzymes, protein and other micronutrients. Also, black chana contains wide range of phytochemicals including carbohydrates, amino acids, proteins, flavonoids, iron, phosphate, chloride, etc.


It has high nutritional content.  Rich source of protein, carbohydrates, calcium, Iron, potassium, magnesium and B vitamins; it should be a part of your daily diet plan. However, Soaking and sprouting increases its nutritional value and makes it more digestible.


According to a study, black pepper helps in treating anaemia. It is also an outstanding source of vitamin K and manganese. Studies show that it is also rich in calcium, Iron, zinc, Copper, Chromium and dietary fibre. Apart from this, it contains many health-promoting components such as flavonoids, terpenes, tannins and alkaloids.


Tapioca is a delicious starch extract derived from the cassava plant. High in dietary fibre tapioca helps in digestion and constipation. Fibre bulks up the stool, which may help move it through the digestive tract, thereby eliminating constipation, bloating, and intestinal pain. It is also a food rich in protein, calcium, iron and vitamin K, all of these support the overall growth of kids.

Also check: Recipes with foods high in iron.

Daily nutrition Dal and veggies powder is rich with veggies, green leafy’s sprouted dal, protein and fibre! It contains Calcium , Vitamin D and Vitamin B12. It’s crafted to provide daily nutrition for the bones, brain, maintaining energy levels all throughout the day. To order, click here. 


Make it EASY to feed a daily dose of vegetables, greens, dal, and prebiotics and probiotics. 1 serving of Veggies and  Dal powder equals 30-50g of fresh food. Helps to provide daily nutrition for Immunity, Brain, Digestion, Bones, Healthy Weight, Height, Eye health and Growth. Get yours now!

India’s First Tasty Kids Nutrition fortified with Ayurvedic herbs

For 100% Iron intake | Daily Nutrition Veggies and Dal powder | Rich in Iron, Calcium, Vitamin C, D, B12 | Made with 100% veggies, greens, sprouted dal | 0% preservative | 0% Artificial Colour | 100% Natural | ORDER |


Immunity, Gut health, Digestion, Weight, Brain development, Speech delay, Epilepsy, Eye health, Hormones, Sleep, Hyperactivity, Bones and Overall growth

foods for breast milk

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Thyroid in kids

thyroid gland

Thyroid is the most common endocrine disorder among school-age kids. On average, 37 out of every 1,000 kids are thought to have thyroid problems. It is quite prevalent among girls, with roughly 1 in 300 girls being affected. Even though thyroid disease is mostly seen in adults, it can also occur in newborns, infants, children and teens as well affecting the thyroid gland. While some of the symptoms may be similar in adults, it can be challenging to detect thyroid disease in children. Read more to check causes, symptoms and foods that can help to manage thyroid in kids.

WHATSAPP for concerns like Speech Delay, Low Weight, Frequent Illness, Hyperactivity, Low Concentration, Weak Eyesight, Improper Sleep, Pigmentation, Pores, Face Marks, Fine Lines , Lactation etc.

What is thyroid?

Thyroid gland is a gland which is present at the front side of the neck. Adam’s apple is present just above the thyroid gland. Thyroid gland secretes hormones called T3 and T4 hormones. These are responsible for regulating the metabolic rate of the body, controlling digestion, heart and muscle function, brain development and also maintaining bone health. So, any irregularities in this gland may cause imbalance in the whole body function.

Thyroid gland disorder in children:

It’s all in the right amount of hormone secretion by the thyroid gland. If it secretes too much thyroid hormones, the condition is called hyperthyroidism and when it secretes too little hormones, it will result in a condition called hypothyroidism in kids. Both of these disorders can affect the child’s growth, mood, health, learning ability and concentration. Hashimoto’s thyroiditis (HT), is a disease which typically causes hypothyroidism, is the most occurred thyroid disease in children.

Also, check Bloating: Tips and foods that help

Symptoms of thyroid in kids: 

These most common symptoms listed here can help to relate if your child is having thyroid disorder.

  1. Hypothyroidism: 

In the case of kids with hypothyroidism, their thyroid gland is producing either too little hormones, a condition known as primary hypothyroidism, or the thyroid gland is not stimulated properly, a condition known as secondary hypothyroidism. Symptoms include constipation, rough dry skin, slow growth, fatigue, cold intolerance, bruising, too much sleeping, bone fracture, delayed puberty etc. Sometimes, the child with thyroid issue is overweight or obese and shorter in height.

  1. Hyperthyroidism: 

In case of hyperthyroidism, the thyroid gland produces high amounts of hormones which may be because of overactivity or overstimulation of gland. The symptoms include, shorter attention spans, tremors, weight loss, emotional breakdowns, increased appetite, goitre(enlarged thyroid), less blinking, upper eyelid lag, excessive sweating, muscle weakness,high blood pressure etc.


Thyroid gland disorder can also cause other endocrine disorders such as tumours in pituitary gland, diabetes mellitus, and tumours in adrenal gland. It may also include some of the symptoms such as increased or decreased blood sugar level, white discharge from breast, vision problem, early puberty, headache, high BP or low BP. 

Thyroid may also lead to some of the health complications in kids such as myxedema (hypothyroidism condition resulting in skin swelling), infertility during adulthood, puberty delay, heart complications and even thyroid cancer.


Foods to avoid with hypothyroidism

  1. Soybean and soybean products: 

Soybean contains isoflavones, compounds that negatively affect the thyroid affected child. It may increase the risk of hypothyroidism. It interferes with the absorption of thyroid medication.

  1. Cruciferous vegetables:

Cruciferous vegetables include brussel sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, kale, turnip etc. These are definitely full of nutrients and fibre rich but they may affect the thyroid’s ability to produce the hormones, especially if your child is iodine deficient.

  1. Gluten:

Gluten found in some of the cereals such as wheat and rye, and their products may hamper the absorption of medication given for thyroid in the small intestine. The condition may get worse if the child is suffering from gluten intolerance along with hypothyroidism. (Also check, WHAT IS GLUTEN FREE MEANS: A GUIDE TO A GLUTEN FREE DIET FOR KIDS)

  1. Sugar and fatty foods:

Usually thyroid disorders are associated with overweight and obesity. So, it’s very important to take care about how much sugar or fatty foods your child is gulping down. These junk foods may also hamper the production of thyroid hormones.

  1. Fibre rich food in excess:

Consuming fibre rich foods is good. However, too much fibre consumption in terms of whole grains, vegetables, fruits, beans and legumes may affect the absorption of medication in the intestine.

Foods to avoid with hyperthyroidism

Too much iodine consumption can worsen hyperthyroidism. Hence, children with hyperthyroidism should avoid or limit eating iodized salt, fish and shellfish, dairy products, egg yolk, seaweed, baked goods and products with soy, gluten and caffeine.

Foods that help To manage thyroid in kids


Ashwagandha is a medicinal herb that has magical healing properties. It can boost the thyroid hormone production from the thyroid gland. Hence this herb can be used to treat hypothyroidism. But, because of this thyroid stimulating property, it is not advisable for children with hyperthyroidism. 



Brahmi is a powerful medicinal herb. It can stimulate the activity of the thyroid gland by raising the level of production of T4 hormone. Hence it is useful for hypothyroidism.


Shankhpushpi is a herb that finds use in many Ayurvedic medicines. It has the ability to suppress the thyroid gland function and reduce hormone production. Therefore, it is very useful for treating hyperthyroidism.

Nuts and seeds:

Nuts and seeds such as cashew nuts, almonds and pumpkin seeds, Brazil nuts, macadamia nuts and hazelnuts are rich in iron and selenium. These nutrients can help in proper functioning of the thyroid gland.

Vitamin E: 

Vitamin E is essential for optimal thyroid function. If the child is deficient in vitamin E, it may negatively affect the thyroid gland and increase the risk of developing thyroid disease.    


Rosemary extract: 

Rosemary is a woody herb belonging to the mint family. Many thyroid treating tablets include rosemary as a part of it. This might be because the rosemary stimulates thyroid hormone receptors. It has powerful antioxidants that help in reducing joint pain, hair loss and other symptoms of thyroid.

Himalayan pink salt: 

Since Himalayan pink salt is rich in iodine and lower sodium level, it helps to boost the thyroid gland function and can be effective in curing hypothyroidism.


Importance of Iron for Brain Function

brain function

According to WHO, Iron deficiency in children under two years of age can have significant and irreversible effects on brain function and development. This can lead to negative consequences on learning and school performance later in life. Iron is an important dietary mineral that is essential for the growth and development of kids- both physical and mental growth. Read below to find how can you add Iron to meals easily and meet 100% daily intake for brain and growth.

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Iron and Brain Function:

The brain requires considerable amounts of Iron, particularly in periods of rapid growth, such as early childhood. Brain takes this amount of Iron mainly from the blood.  Due to this, brain Iron status is directly affected by the foods children consume and the nutrition they get from the food. In fact, Iron deficiency, which is the most prevalent nutrient deficiency worldwide, has been proven to impact motor function, cognition, and social behaviour.


1 serving of DAILY Veggies and  Dal powder will help to meet 100% Iron requirement of your child for the day. This powder also helps to provide Daily Nutrition for Brain, Bones, Weight & Height.

India’s First Tasty Kids Nutrition fortified with Ayurvedic herbs

For 100% Iron intake | Give Daily Nutrition Veggies and Dal powder | Rich in Iron, Calcium, Vitamin C, D, B12 | Made with 100% veggies, greens, sprouted dal | 0% preservative | 0% Artificial Colour | 100% Natural | ORDER |



Beetroot is one of the best ways to increase haemoglobin levels. Studies suggest that drinking 500ml of beetroot juice a day can reduce the risk of anaemia in kids. Beetroots are rich in B vitamins, iron, manganese, copper, magnesium, potassium and also contain betalains (a class of antioxidants), that helps in reducing free radicals and inflammation in the body. It helps in proper digestion, boosts immunity and also improves blood circulation.

2.Bitter gourd:

It is one of the iron-rich foods for kids. Bitter gourd is a rich source of vitamins and minerals. It is also extremely rich in iron and other nutrients like magnesium, potassium and vitamins like A and C. Along with vItamin A and C, it is also high in calcium. Various antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds are present in bitter gourd.

3.Sprouted black chana:

Soaked black chana is one of the best sources of iron for vegetarians. It helps in improving haemoglobin levels. Sprouts are low in calories and rich in fibre, enzymes, protein and other micronutrients. Also, black Chana contains a wide range of phytochemicals including carbohydrates, amino acids, proteins, flavonoids, iron, phosphate, chloride etc.

4.Sprouted moth bean:

It has high nutritional content.  Rich source of protein, carbohydrates, calcium, Iron, potassium, magnesium and B vitamins; it should be a part of your daily diet plan. However, Soaking and sprouting increases its nutritional value and makes it more digestible.

5.Black pepper:

According to a study, black pepper helps in treating anaemia. It is also an outstanding source of vitamin K and manganese. Studies show that it is also rich in calcium, Iron, zinc, Copper, Chromium and dietary fiber. Apart from this, it contains many health-promoting components such as flavonoids, terpenes, tannins and alkaloids.

6.Tapioca starch:

Tapioca is a delicious starch extract derived from the cassava plant. High in dietary fiber tapioca helps in digestion and constipation. Fiber bulks up the stool, which may help move it through the digestive tract, thereby eliminating constipation, bloating, and intestinal pain. It is also rich in protein, calcium iron and vitamin K, all of these support the overall growth of kids.


Some parents have been kind enough to share their journey with us. Let’s hear them to closely understand the benefits of Ayurvedic spreads by Iyurved.


Immunity, Gut health, Digestion, Weight, Brain development, Speech delay, Epilepsy, Eye health, Hormones, Sleep, Hyperactivity, Bones and Overall growth

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6 proven Iron Rich Foods For Kids to prevent iron deficiency

WHO estimates that 42% of children less than 5 years of age have iron deficiency. Iron deficiency is a serious global public health problem that particularly affects young children. Iron is an important dietary mineral which is essential for the growth and development of kids- both physical and mental growth. Lack of iron in children’s bodies can affect them badly as without enough iron, the child’s muscles, tissues and cell won’t get the oxygen they need. This condition of iron deficiency is most commonly known as anaemia.

Symptoms of Iron Deficiency or Anaemia in Children
  • Pale skin
  • Fatigue, Weakness and tiredness
  • Poor appetite
  • Craving for strange things like ice, dirt and paint
  • Slower growth and development
  • Behavioural issues
  • Frequent infections
Why SHOULD YOU NOT GIVE iron tonics?

STOP giving iron syrup or tonics. It can result in:

  • VERY LOW absorption of Iron in the body
  • Constipation or diarrhoea
  • Stained teeth
  • Bloating , heartburn and nausea
  • Dark stool
  • Stomach pain
  • Heachache
  • Metallic or unpleasant  taste in the mouth

Always consume Iron through food and pair with vitamin-C to absorb it the most. Vitamin C helps break the iron down into a form that the body can more easily absorb. Cooking your food in iron cookware is a smart hack to increase iron content in the food preparations (How much iron does iron cookware add to food?)


1 serving of DAILY Veggies and  Dal powder will help to meet 100% iron requirement of your child for the day. Also helps to provide daily nutrition for Brain, Bones, Healthy Weight, Height.

India’s First Tasty Kids Nutrition fortified with Ayurvedic herbs

For 100% Iron intake | Daily Nutrition Veggies and Dal powder | Rich in Iron, Calcium, Vitamin C, D, B12 | Made with 100% veggies, greens, sprouted dal | 0% preservative | 0% Artificial Colour | 100% Natural | ORDER |

(shipping in India and Singapore only)

IRON Benefits of DAILY VEGGIES AND DAL POWDER ingredients:

Beetroot is one of the best ways to increase haemoglobin levels. Studies suggest that drinking 500ml of beetroot juice a day can reduce the risk of anaemia in kids. Beetroots are rich in B vitamins, iron, manganese, copper, magnesium, potassium and also contain betalains (a class of antioxidants), that helps in reducing free radicals and inflammation in the body. It helps in proper digestion, boosts immunity and also improves blood circulation.

2.Bitter gourd:

It is one of the iron-rich foods for kids. Bitter gourd is a rich source of vitamins and minerals. It is also extremely rich in iron and other nutrients like magnesium, potassium and vitamins like A and C. Along with vItamin A and C, it is also high in calcium. Various antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds are present in bitter gourd.

3.Sprouted black chana:

Soaked black chana is one of the best sources of iron for vegetarians. It helps in improving haemoglobin levels. Sprouts are low in calories and rich in fibre, enzymes, protein and other micronutrients. Also, black Chana contains a wide range of phytochemicals including carbohydrates, amino acids, proteins, flavonoids, iron, phosphate, chloride etc.

4.Sprouted moth bean:

It has high nutritional content.  Rich source of protein, carbohydrates, calcium, Iron, potassium, magnesium and B vitamins; it should be a part of your daily diet plan. However, Soaking and sprouting increases its nutritional value and makes it more digestible.

5.Black pepper:

According to a study, black pepper helps in treating anaemia. It is also an outstanding source of vitamin K and manganese. Studies show that it is also rich in calcium, Iron, zinc, Copper, Chromium and dietary fiber. Apart from this, it contains many health-promoting components such as flavonoids, terpenes, tannins and alkaloids.

6.Tapioca starch:

Tapioca is a delicious starch extract derived from the cassava plant. High in dietary fiber tapioca helps in digestion and constipation. Fiber bulks up the stool, which may help move it through the digestive tract, thereby eliminating constipation, bloating, and intestinal pain. It is also rich in protein, calcium iron and vitamin K, all of these support the overall growth of kids.

HOW TO FEED daily nutrition veggies and dal powder?
kid's daily nutrition veggies and dal powder by iyurved


Some parents have been kind enough to share their journey with us. Let’s hear them to closely understand the benefits of Ayurvedic spreads by Iyurved.


Immunity, Gut health, Digestion, Weight, Brain development, Speech delay, Epilepsy, Eye health, Hormones, Sleep, Hyperactivity, Bones and Overall growth

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Recipe of Spinach Pasta

Recipe of spinach pasta with hidden herbs and nuts

Kids love to eat pasta. This recipe of spinach pasta helps to add nutrition to their favourite foods in a convenient way. Kid’s Nutrition is very important nowadays and preparing healthy food recipes for a child is not an easy task. Iyurved is happy to share lots of children’s food recipe ideas which are not only innovative but also very tasty. The recipes shared here are Kids approved!

Let’s try to make every healthy food recipe for a child more tasty and nutritious with (hidden) veggies, herbs and nuts. Check this recipe of spinach pasta for babies, toddlers and kids.

  • 1 cup pasta
  • 250 gm spinach
  • Small onion
  • Grated ginger garlic
  • 1 tbsp Schezwan sauce
  • 2 tbsp sorghum millet
  • 1 tbsp oregano
  • 1 teaspoon chili flakes
  • 1/4 cup milk/soy milk
  • 2 tbsp Iyurved daily nutrition savoury spread (order here)

Boil spinach and pasta separately. Make spinach puree. Heat oil in a pan. Put grated ginger, garlic and finely chopped onion. Sauté till onion become translucent. Add Schezwan sauce, oregano, chili flakes and Iyurved’s daily nutrition savoury spread (order here). Put sorghum millet and cook on low flame just for few seconds. Add spinach puree, salt and mix well. Pour milk /soy milk and put boiled pasta. Stir and cook for a minute. Spinach pasta is ready to serve.

  • Improves muscle strength and body weight with high protein (6g protein in 1 serving)
  • Strengthens bones and improves height being rich in calcium
  • Boosts brain due to high omega-3 and natural brain herbs
  • Builds immunity due to presence of antioxidants and proven immunity herbs
  • Increases breast milk supply for lactating moms also provides folic acid for baby development


We are happy to introduce our range of nutritious & tasty kid’s Ayurvedic foods!!
We know that preparing and feeding healthy foods everyday is a huge task. Even more tough when kids are picky eaters. Kids prefer certain foods and formats. It is not easy to feed kids bitter Ayurvedic herbs, variety of vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds everyday.
Mixed with Ayurvedic herbs, this unique Ayurvedic spread is an easy solution to feed daily nutrition for Immunity, Brain development, Bone strength and overall-growth to kids without any fuss.

Kids & Teens Daily Nutrition Savoury Spread

India’s First Tasty Kids Nutrition fortified with Ayurvedic herbs.

If your child is a picky eater or does not take enough nutrition for the day, you can give Daily Nutrition Savoury Spread | Made with clinically proven ‘5 Ayurvedic Herbs and 7 Nuts’ | ORDER | 0% preservative | 0% Palm oil |

Check more products for: Immunity, Gut health, Digestion, Healthy weight, Brain development, Eye health, Autism, Hyperactivity, Sleep, Bones and Overall growth

(shipping in India and Singapore only)

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Foods and Remedies by a Nutrition Expert

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Recipe of patties with beetroot

Recipe of patties with beetroot and hidden herbs and nuts

Kids love to eat patties in burgers or as snacks. This recipe of patties made with beetroot helps to add nutrition to their favourite foods in a convenient way. Kid’s Nutrition is very important nowadays and preparing healthy food recipes for a child is not an easy task. Iyurved is happy to share lots of children’s food recipe ideas which are not only innovative but also very tasty. The recipes shared here are Kids approved!

Let’s try to make every healthy food recipe for a child more tasty and nutritious with (hidden) veggies, herbs and nuts. Check this recipe of patties with beetroot for babies, toddlers and kids.

  • 3 Boiled potato
  • 1 Big beetroot
  • 100gm Paneer/cottage cheese
  • Grated ginger
  • Green chilies (optional)
  • 1/2 tbsp Chaat masala
  • Salt to taste
  • 2 tbsp Ragi flour
  • 2 tbsp Iyurved Savoury spread (order here)
  • 4 tbsp Daily Nutrition Veggies & Dal Powder


Rinse released water from chopped beetroot. Mash potatoes and paneer. Add chopped beetroot, grated ginger, chilies (optional) chaat masala and salt. Put 2 tbsp Iyurved’s savoury spread (order here), 4 tbsp Daily Nutrition Veggies & Dal Powder (order here) and mix all the ingredients well. Make small balls and then flatten them. You can put soaked poha/ beaten rice in it to get the patties bind firmly or can pat in ragi flour. Grease the grill pan and place the patties into it. Shallow fry on low flame for 5-7 minutes. Flip to fry on both sides until the base turn firm, golden and crispy. Patties are ready to serve as snacks or as burger patties.


We are happy to introduce our range of nutritious & tasty Ayurvedic foods for kids!!
We know that preparing and feeding healthy foods everyday is a huge task. Even more tough when kids are picky eaters. Kids prefer certain foods and formats. It is not easy to feed kids bitter Ayurvedic herbs, variety of vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds everyday.
Mixed with Ayurvedic herbs, this unique Ayurvedic spread is an easy solution to feed daily nutrition for Immunity, Brain development, Bone strength and overall-growth to kids without any fuss.

Kids & Teens Daily Nutrition Savoury Spread

India’s First Tasty Kids Nutrition fortified with Ayurvedic herbs.

If your child is a picky eater or does not take enough nutrition for the day, you can give, Daily Nutrition savoury spread | Made with clinically proven ‘5 Ayurvedic Herbs and 7 Nuts’ | ORDER | 0% preservative | 0% Palm oil |

Check more products for: Immunity, Gut health, Digestion, Healthy weight, Brain development, Eye health, Autism, Hyperactivity, Sleep, Bones and Overall growth

(shipping in India and Singapore only)

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Foods and Remedies by a Nutrition Expert

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Iron is an important dietary mineral which is essential for the growth and development of kids- both physical and mental growth. Iron helps form hemoglobin that is found in the blood cells of the body. It has a red color pigment which gives the blood cells its color, commonly known as red blood cells. These red blood cells have hemoglobin which is responsible for carrying oxygen from lungs to different parts of the body. Hemoglobin is formed of iron containing part known as heme and protein part as globin. Without hemoglobin, the body stops producing healthy red blood cells and often shows weaker coloured cells. For iron deficiency, including some foods in your diet can really help.


The first step towards raising hemoglobin level in your kid’s body is to start including iron rich food in his/her diet. Lack of iron in children’s bodies can affect them badly as without enough iron, the child’s muscles, tissues and cell won’t get the oxygen they need. This condition of iron deficiency is most commonly known as anemia.

Newborns on breast feed can easily get required iron intake from mother’s milk for the first 6 months. But, after you switch infants to solid food, they might not be able to get enough iron, which can lead to iron deficiency in children. Our body doesn’t produce iron, so the only way to get iron is through food sources.  There are many causes responsible for iron deficiency in children. Premature born babies with low birth weight, children with chronic infections, overweight or obese kids are at high risk of iron deficiency. Teenage girls also suffer from this deficiency as their body loses iron during menstruation.

Symptoms of Iron Deficiency or Anemia in Children

  • Pale skin
  • Fatigue
  • Weakness and tiredness
  • Poor appetite
  • Craving for strange things like ice, dirt and paint
  • Slower growth and development
  • Behavioral issues
  • Frequent infection

If you notice these symptoms in your kid, you must consult a doctor. Iron supplements can only be taken under doctor’s supervision, as excess iron accumulation can cause other complications. The best way to consume any nutrient is to take it through food. That results in lesser chances of over consumption also. There are many iron containing foods in India which can help to overcome iron deficiency.

The recommended amount of iron intake depends upon the age of the kid. When a baby is born, he/ she has iron stored in their bodies after that they get iron from mother’s milk or milk supplements. Once they start eating solids, they require more iron. As per studies the recommended amount of iron in kids is:

Birth to 6 months0.27 mg (adequate)
7- 12 m11mg/ day
1-3 years7 mg/ day
4-8 years10mg/ day
9-13 years8 mg/ day
14-18 years11mg/ day (boy) 15mg/ day(girl)


What are iron foods?

Encouraging your child for a nutritious iron rich diet is the first step to prevent the problem of iron deficiency or anemia in children. Vitamin C rich food can also help, as it helps your body to absorb more iron. Cooking your food in iron cookware is a smart hack to increase iron content in the food preparations (How much iron does iron cookware add to food?)

Green vegetable

Green leafy vegetables are the best source of iron. Spinach, Kale, Fenugreek, collard greens provide approximately 2.5-5 mg of iron per cooked cup. Apart from iron, they also contain sodium and potassium in high quantities which are equally essential for the body. Some other iron rich veggies include cabbage, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, which contain 1-2 mg per cooked cup. (How to cook green veggies to not loose their nutrition?)

Dried fruits

Dried fruits are a delicious source of minerals, protein, fiber and vitamins. Raisin, prunes and apricot are good sources of iron. 100 gm of prune contains 0.93 mg of iron, while raisin contains 2.6 gm and apricot 6.3 mg. Raisins are also rich in potassium and magnesium, which helps in bone health, improves blood circulation and digestion. Apricots being high in antioxidants and vitamin A aids in visual health. Consuming these dry fruits daily is panacea for iron deficiency. (What are other foods for healthy eyesight?)


Fruits like apple, pear and pomegranate are rich sources of iron, vitamins, protein, carbs and fiber which help regulate blood count in the body. Apart from this, fruits rich in vitamin C such as orange, lime, blueberries and grapefruit also help the body to enhance iron absorption. By including these fruits in a kid’s diet you can also help them to build up a strong immune system. (What are the best fruits teenagers?)


Legumes are a powerhouse of nutrients. Most common types of legumes are beans, lentils, chickpeas, peas, and soybeans. They are a great source of iron which helps your child to meet their daily need of iron intake and save them from iron deficiency. Chickpeas and black eyed peas are the highest source of iron and can provide up to 6 mg per cooked cup. Legumes also contain B vitamins, folate, magnesium, potassium, fiber and zinc which means they keep you energetic throughout the day. (Why should lentils or legumes be soaked?)


Pumpkin, sesame, hemp and flax seeds are seeds richest in iron and help your child to fight for iron deficiency. They contain iron around 1.2mg to 4.2 mg per two tablespoons. These seeds also contain a good amount of protein, fiber, calcium, magnesium, zinc, selenium, antioxidants and are great sources of fatty acids too, which helps in overall kid’s growth. (What is the easiest source of selenium that is good for brain?)


We are happy to introduce our range of nutritious & tasty kids Ayurvedic foods!!
We know that preparing and feeding healthy foods everyday is a huge task. Even more tough when kids are picky eaters. Kids prefer certain foods and formats. It is not easy to feed kids bitter Ayurvedic herbs, variety of vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds everyday.
Mixed with Ayurvedic herbs, this unique Ayurvedic spread is an easy solution to feed daily nutrition for Immunity, Brain development, Bone strength and overall-growth to kids without any fuss.

India’s First Tasty Kids Nutrition fortified with Ayurvedic herbs.

If your child is a picky eater or does not take enough nutrition for the day, you can give Daily Nutrition Chocolate Spread | Made with clinically proven ‘5 Ayurvedic Herbs and 7 Nuts’ | ORDER | 0% preservative | 0% Palm oil |

Check more products for: Immunity, Gut health, Eye health, Digestion, Healthy weight, Brain development, Autism, Hyperactivity, Sleep, Bones and Overall growth

(shipping in India and Singapore only)

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What happen when you cook food in cast-iron cookware/skillet

The correct cookware helps to not only add nutrients to the food, but also preserve the nutrients. For example, clay-pots or cast iron cookware have been used for thousands of years for cooking. A study reveals that compared to modern utensils (pressure cooker), clay-pots retained 100% nutrients when cooking Dal vs. under 15% when cooked in a pressure cooker (Shocking!)

The longer food is cooked or stored in Aluminium, the greater it gets into food. Leafy vegetables, tomatoes and citrus products absorb the most aluminium (more than what we need!). Aluminium is most often considered unsafe for cooking on account of the metal reacting with food and getting absorbed in large amounts. The presence of aluminium deposits in the brains of Alzheimer’s patients has made people wary of using them

Traditional cookware

Traditional cookware- copper, iron, brass etc add the required mineral to the body and also aid in healing the body.

Cooking in copper and brass is not advisable when it comes to salty and acidic food since they react with the metal but eating in these is useful .

Cast iron cookware is great since it releases the required mineral which is critical for our body functioning (for high energy!). Many people suffer from iron deficiency, and cooking with cast iron pans can help increase your iron content by as much as 20 times!

Food cooked for longer duration and with higher moisture content absorbed most iron (almost 5 times more iron after cooking compared to raw) (know some foods for iron deficiency)

Cast iron vessels are naturally non-stick and are easy to cook. On the other hand, modern non-stick cookware releases per-fluorinated compounds into the food during cooking, especially if the food is scrapped from the bottom causing several health issues.

Cast-iron skillets are very versatile. They can be used for sautéing, pan-frying, searing, baking, braising, broiling, roasting, and even more cooking techniques. The more seasoned your cast-iron skillet is, the better flavour it’s going to give to whatever you are cooking

Cast-iron vessels need lesser oil for cooking and also keep the food warm for longer time.



Adding henna paste in an iron bowl get more darker colour. It forms a blackish pigment with iron and helps in covering the grey more effectively

Recipe of Spinach Tofu dish- Great for Eyes

Let’s try to make every food a child want to eat more tasty and nutritious with herbs and nuts.

spinach is a very effective eye health food

Check the Recipe made with Ayurvedic spread by Iyurved- DAILY NUTRITION spread.

Check more healthy recipes loved by kids.


We are happy to introduce our range of nutritious & tasty kids Ayurvedic foods!!
We know that preparing and feeding healthy foods everyday is a huge task. Even more tough when kids are picky eaters. Kids prefer certain foods and formats. It is not easy to feed kids bitter Ayurvedic herbs, variety of vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds everyday.
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India’s First Tasty Kids Nutrition fortified with Ayurvedic herbs.

If your child is a picky eater or does not take enough nutrition for the day, you can give ‘5 Ayurvedic herbs and 7 Nuts’ savoury spread to meet daily Nutrition ORDER | 0% preservative

Check more products for: Immunity, Brain development, Weight, Eyesight, Sleep (hyperactivity), Hormones (acne)

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