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Are you concerned by your child’s frequent temper tantrums or abrupt silence? Does your child frequently cry uncontrollably or wet the bed? We’ve all encountered anxiety attack at some point in our lives, but did you also realise that kids get it too?
Children and adolescents experience anxiety and stress sometimes, just like adults do. 9.4% Of kids between the ages of 3 and 17 experience anxiety, as per a study. However, if your child’s anxiety is starting to negatively impact their wellness, they could require assistance. Continue reading to understand the reasons for children’s anxiety attack and strategies for dealing with it.
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Different things might cause children anxiety attack at different ages. Many of these concerns are common during the teen years.
Young children frequently experience separation anxiety from about 6 months to 3 years of age. When they are away from their parents or caregivers, they could become clingy and cry. This is a typical developmental stage that should end when a child is between the ages of two and three.
Additionally, certain phobias or fears are frequently developed in young children. Animals, insects, storms, heights, water, blood, and the dark are all common childhood phobias. In most cases, these anxieties subside on their own over time.
When starting a new school or before examinations, many kids experience anxiety attack. Some kids experience social anxiety and could require assistance for this.
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In smaller kids, you may notice some signs like:
- Frequently get irritated
- Crying often and clingy nature
- Wake up many times during night
- Bed wetting
- Sleep deprivation
- Horrible or bad dreams
- Throwing tantrums
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In bit older kids, you may notice some signs like:
- Difficulty in focusing
- Sleep deprivation
- Poor eating habits
- Negativity of mind
- Decreased confidence
- Less socialisation
- Tantrums /angry outbursts.
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When anxiety attack starts to interfere with a child’s daily life, it becomes a problem. Children’s mental and emotional health can be harmed by such severe worry, which can also damage their self-esteem and confidence. They could retreat and take extreme measures to stay away from items or situations that make them feel uneasy.
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1. Don’t avoid things:
In the short run, children will feel better if you help them avoid the things they are nervous of, but in the long run, it will just make their anxiety worse.
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2. Make the child learn how to tolerate anxiety:
Helping children learn to tolerate their anxiety as best they can is the best method to help them overcome it. The anxiety will lessen with time.
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3. Set realistic expectations:
Don’t assure a youngster that what they fear won’t occur—that you are sure they won’t fail the test—but rather, reassure them that he/she will be able to handle whatever comes their way.
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4. Respect their feelings, but don’t enlarge them:
Accepting feelings does not imply validating them. Therefore, if a child is afraid to visit the doctor, do listen to her and show empathy, but also give her the confidence to overcome her concerns.
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5. Avoid feeding the child’s anxieties:
Avoid giving the impression that “maybe this is something you should be terrified of” through your tone of voice or body language.
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6. Encourage your child:
Remind your child that you are proud of how hard she is working and that his/her worry will lessen as she learns to manage it.
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7. Make an effort to minimise the anticipation time:
The hardest part of facing our fears comes right before we act on them. For instance, don’t bring up a child’s anxiety about going to the doctor until you absolutely have to.
8. Talk the fear out:
Talking through what would happen if a worry came true and how he/ she would handle it might be helpful at times. For some children, making a plan can lessen uncertainty in a positive, useful way.
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9. Be a good role model for managing anxiety:
Allow children to hear or see you handling stress and anxiety in a calm manner while accepting it and feeling good about getting through it. Don’t pretend that you don’t suffer stress and worry.
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