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Are you a new mother who is unsure of how long to breastfeed your newborn? Do you know how frequently you need to nurse your baby? Have you noticed that your baby seems to be more hungry than usual? When you are a new parent, finding out the reason behind your baby’s crying can look like a mystery. The good news is that part of the mystery can be avoided by carefully following the breastfeeding schedule. Here is the breastfeeding schedule that new moms can follow during the first year of babies. Keep reading to find more details.
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Importance of breastfeeding
The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) strongly recommends exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of life and to continue it for at least 12 months. Breastfeeding is a good choice for both babies and mothers. For babies, it can protect against infections and reduce the rates of future health problems like diabetes, obesity, and asthma. For mothers, breastfeeding helps the uterus to contract and bleeding to cease more quickly after delivery. Breastfeeding also reduces the risk of breast and ovarian cancer and also provides a great way for mothers to bond with their babies. You can either feed the baby directly or pump your milk and use a bottle to feed the baby.
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Breastfeeding schedule for babies
Every baby is unique. Newborns start growing very quickly as soon as they are born. While every baby’s feeding requirements may vary slightly depending on their weight, age, and other aspects, the majority of moms will adhere to a regular breastfeeding schedule. Knowing how much to feed your newborn baby is very difficult. Let your baby decide how much he/she wants to drink. You should not feed forcefully. Consult your doctor if required. Guide to feed your newborn:
Age | What to feed | Amount feed | Feeding frequency/day |
0-1 months | Breastmilk | 45-90 ml every 2 to 3 hours | 8 to 12 times (on demand ) |
1-2 months | Breastmilk | 120 ml every 3 to 4 hours | 6 to 8 times |
2-4 months | Breastmilk | 120-180 ml every 3 to 4 hours | 6 to 7 times |
4-6 months | Breastmilk | 120-230 ml every 3 to 4 hours | 6 to 7 times |
6-9 months | Breastmilk+ Fruit and vegetable purees |
180-230 ml every 3 to 4 hours+ 2 to 4 teaspoons of solids |
5 to 6 times |
9-12 months | Breastmilk+ Fruits Vegetables Dairy products |
180-230 ml every 4 hours+ 3 to 4 teaspoons of solids |
5 to 6 times |
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Guide for new moms for feeding a baby during first year
Here is a guide for new moms to breastfeed a baby according to the age:
1.Feeding schedule for newborns:
- The belly of your newborn baby is really small. For each feed, he or she doesn’t require more milk to feel full.
- Your infant might have the urge to eat every one to three hours.
- Regular breastfeedings encourage your infant to practise sucking and swallowing while also helping to boost your breast milk supply.
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Tips for breastfeeding a newborn
- Make sure your child latches on comfortably. It can be challenging at first, especially for new mothers, but eventually your baby might start to latch more easily
- Calculate the interval between breastfeeding
- Each time you feed, switch between the breasts.
- You might need to nurse more frequently when your baby gets bigger.
- Keep an eye out for your baby’s fullness cues.
- Finish the feeding when your baby feel disengaged
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2. Breastfeeding schedule for 3 month old babies
It can be challenging to make little changes once you and your infant have established a routine. You will need to modify your baby’s feeding plan as he/she develops and her nutritional requirements alter.
- Your child will start to become more active at 3 months, start to nurse less frequently, and possibly sleep through the night for extended amounts of time.
- Your baby is likely to receive the proper nutrients if you notice the weight gain and growth at a regular rate.
- Another excellent way to tell if a baby is eating properly is by counting how many of his diapers are wet. An infant needs four to six wet diapers each day on average.
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3. Feeding schedule for 6 month old babies
Based on the physical development of the baby, the solids are introduced. Firstly, proper development of digestive enzymes is required. The digestive enzymes in the stomach develop between 4 to 6 months and it aids in digestion. Early introduction of solids before proper development of digestive enzymes leads to more digestive problems and food allergies. Secondly, good head and neck control is required to easily accept solids, chew and swallow them. In addition to this, you can introduce solids when your child shows interest in food or is still hungry after being breastfed. You can design a meal plan or food chart for your baby and follow it. Since milk is still the prime source of nutrition to the babies, introduce solids between the milk feeds.
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4. Feeding schedule for 7 to 9 month old:
At 7 to 9 months, it can be advantageous to increase the types and amount of solid meals in your baby’s diet.
- Your baby might only require four to five midday feedings at this point.
- Introduce different flavours and varieties of food to your baby by pureeing them with only one component, then slowly introduce combos to his meals.
- As your baby’s body grows and needs solid foods for nutrition, he or she may gradually start to wean off breast milk.
There are two approaches to weaning from breastfeeding namely traditional approach and Baby Led Weaning approach.
- In Traditional weaning for babies approach, you feed your baby and gradually introduce solid foods. You will begin with smooth purees before moving to mashed and chopped foods, then finger foods and finally small bites.
- In the Baby led weaning approach, babies are encouraged to self-feed from the start. You can introduce solid foods as finger foods and allow your child to explore solids at their own pace.
Also check, Tips to wean off a baby
5. Feeding schedule for 9 to 12 month old
Around 9 months of age, the food schedule of a baby should consist of three proper meals a day with one or two healthy snacks in between. These snacks can include fruits, finger foods, or any light preparations. In spite of this your baby still needs breast milk or formula milk as an important part of his/her meal plan. Milk is the most essential source of protein and at this age the baby needs ample protein as it is the building block of the body.
Also check, Feeding schedule for 9 to 10 months old
6. Feeding schedule for 1 year old
- The fact that your kid can now consume more food in a single sitting may be causing him to eat less frequently.
- Provide your 1 year old with generally three meals and two to three snacks each day.
- A toddler may breastfeed one or more times each day.
- Some mothers prefer to nurse just at night or in the day.
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Foods that help to meet the nutritional needs of breastfeeding moms
Fenugreek is one of the most effective meals for increasing milk supply and quality. It helps in adding vitamin A, B1, B2, C and calcium to activate the mammary glands to boost the production of breast milk which helps to increase weight in newborns.
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Moringa is rich in iron, vital for a nursing mom. It helps in restoring the lost blood during labour. Also, Moringa, being high in Vitamin K, aids in blood coagulation. It is very beneficial for ladies who are experiencing heavy postpartum bleeding. Consuming moringa leaves can also assist with labour discomfort. The anti-inflammatory and antibacterial characteristics can help in removing uterine sluggishness following birth.
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This Ayurvedic herb has been used to help women with breastfeeding concerns, aids cellular damage, boosts immunity, and helps with constipation. Shatavari has antidepressant chemicals as well. As a result, it can help to prevent postpartum depression or anxiety, which are common among nursing moms.
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Breastfeeding women who wish to produce a good milk supply or maintain their supply might benefit from consuming ginger.It is widely administered to women in the early postpartum period to aid in the healing process.Digestive enzymes supplied to the infant through breast milk may help digestion in a baby’s undeveloped stomach, alleviating colic symptoms in newborns.
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5. NUTS:
Nuts like peanuts, Almonds, Cashew, and Hazelnut are packed with protein and fibre. It is rich in micronutrients like zinc, iron, copper, and folic acid. Some people are concerned about the high-fat content of nuts, although the majority of the fat is “healthy” monounsaturated fat. These nuts help to boost milk production. These are a reasonably good source of proteins and also healthy fats, ensuring a healthy weight gain for the baby.
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During the first two years of life, the brain grows at its fastest. As a result, the crucial fatty acid DHA, which promotes brain development, is a key component of breast milk. Moms may ensure that their milk is full of omega-3 fatty acids by consuming omega-3 fatty acid-rich foods such as ground flax seeds, chia seeds, pumpkin seeds, and sunflower seeds.
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Iron and essential minerals like potassium, magnesium, and phosphorus are abundant in jaggery. It helps in the build-up of milk in the breast. Eating it with a piece of Garlic can help boost breast milk production.
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For hundreds of years, this golden spice has been utilised in Ayurvedic medicine as the best galactagogue (the food that boosts milk production). Hence, Turmeric may help nursing mothers by increasing milk production, boosting immunity, relieving pain, and lowering depression.
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Vitamin E is only transferred to the foetus through the placenta during pregnancy, therefore breast milk is the only source of this nutrient for exclusively breastfed newborns. This is an important strategy to provide the infant with antioxidant protection while also stimulating immune system development. A strong immune system is also responsible for healthy weight gain.
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It is a natural fat emulsifier that can aid to lessen the “thickness and stickiness” of milk. It may also help release existing fatty blockages, boosting milk flow and quantity of milk supply.
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It’s chocolate, but it’s healthy!!! It can assist nursing mothers in increasing their milk production. It not only delivers excellent nutrition to enhance a nursing mother’s milk production, but it also gives a slew of additional health advantages to a new mother.
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Cinnamon promotes the flow of mother’s milk. For milk stimulation, combine honey, milk, and cinnamon powder. Having honey and cinnamon is therefore not only healthful but is also a fantastic choice for increasing milk production.
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