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The birth of a child can elicit a wide range of strong emotions, from joy and excitement to dread and anxiety. However, it can also lead to something unexpected: Depression or call it Postpartum Depression feels. Approximately 80% of new mothers are affected by this and are unaware of it. Women are especially vulnerable during pregnancy and the postpartum period. They often experience biological, emotional, financial, physical and social changes during this time. Some women are at a higher risk of experiencing mental health issues, such as depression and anxiety.
The signs and symptoms of baby blues, postpartum depression and postpartum psychosis may vary. All strong mothers must keep in mind that postpartum depression is neither a flaw or weakness. It is just as natural as having a baby. The only difference is that some people will have a mild reaction while others will have a stronger reaction.
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What causes Postpartum Depression (PPD)?
PPD is a complicated mix of hormonal, physical, emotional, social, and behavioural changes that occur after a baby is born. The main cause is a reduction in hormone levels. Aside from that, there could be a slew of other factors at play.
- Hormonal changes
- Delivery complications
- Preterm birth
- Breastfeeding difficulties
- Lack of sleep
- Delivery and work stress and financial concerns
- Having baby with special needs
- Past trauma
- Medical conditions
- Feeling of unattractiveness
- Lack of support from the loved ones or feeling of not meeting the expectations
- No self-care times
- Improper diet
- Social isolation
- Unwanted pregnancy
The signs and symptoms of baby blues, postpartum depression and postpartum psychosis may vary.
Baby blues:
The symptoms for baby blues can be seen right after the childbirth. It is a temporary condition and may last from a few days to weeks.
- Crying
- Sleep regression or trouble in sleeping
- No appetite
- Mood swings
- Unable to focus on anything
- Feeling sad
- Irritability and anxiety
Postpartum depression:
PPD is sometimes confused with the infant blues since the symptoms are similar. Postpartum depression feels can continue anywhere from a few weeks to a year after giving birth.
- Difficulties in bonding with the Baby
- Not talking to anyone or withdrawing social contact
- Fatigue
- Loss of energy
- Restlessness and hopelessness
- Severe mood swings
- Insomnia or excess sleep
- Lack of interest in anything
- Not eating at all or eating a lot
- Crying excessively
- Overwhelmed with newborn baby
- Stress to manage everything
- Self-doubt of being a good or perfect mother
- Feeling worthless
- Lack of focus or concentration
- Anxiety, anger and irritability
Postpartum psychosis:
This condition usually develops within week after delivery and can be sever. This requires an immediate treatment and measures.
- Sleeping difficulties
- Hallucinations
- Delusion
- Disorientation
- Agitation
- Attempting harm to the baby or thoughts of suicide
- Compulsive thoughts about baby
- Paranoia
How to deal with postpartum depression feels?
1. Communicate:
This is the most effective method for treating postpartum depression feels. Communicating with someone you can rely on can provide you with relief by removing the burden from your mind and chest. Avoid keeping your emotions bottled up inside. It will aggravate the situation. Discuss both the minor and major issues that are bothering you. When it comes to talking and expressing yourself, don’t hold back. If you find that verbal communication is difficult for you, experiment with what works for you. If you don’t feel like talking to your own person a counselling will help too.
2. Pamper yourself and take care of your body:
One of the most effective ways to deal with postpartum depression feels is to take care of yourself and pamper yourself. Nobody understands you better than you do. Spend time alone with yourself. Carry out your skin-care routine. Consume your preferred cuisine. Take a relaxing hot water bath. Take a break from your motherly duties. Watch your favourite television show or movie. A small change in routine will be beneficial.
3. Relax and sleep:
‘Sleep when the baby sleeps,’ they say. Both the baby and the mother require relaxation and a good night’s sleep. If your baby isn’t sleeping for longer periods of time, you can seek assistance. According to studies, women suffering from postpartum depression take longer to sleep and have poorer sleep quality. Apart from sleep, which is essential, do whatever relaxes you. Good books, music, longer conversations, bathing, or whatever you prefer. Make sure to stick to a meditation routine.
4. Get out from isolation:
Isolation is the worst victim of depression. It’s not necessary to have a frantic social life, but try to keep your closest relationships intact. It can make you feel more connected. Talk to your family and friends. Go out if possible. Take a troll with them. A minute change in environment or exposure to sunlight will do wonders to your mood.
5. Cut down your daily chores:
Don’t try to do everything on your own. It’s fine to leave some errands unfinished. Try not to overdo it or to do everything perfectly all of the time. If possible, seek assistance or ask your partner to divide up some of the work that will relieve your stress. Set realistic goals and check list that will keep you organized.
6. Strengthen bonds with baby:
It is critical to strengthen your bond with the baby during this nurturing period. Make an effort to develop an emotional bond with the baby. Massage your baby thoroughly. A skin-to-skin touch can help a lot with healing. Talk to your child. Sing him songs and smile at him.
7. Introduce exercise as a routine:
Exercise, whether new or old, is an excellent way to combat postpartum depression. It relieves stress, increases energy, improves moods, and promotes better sleep. If you had a normal, uncomplicated delivery, you can begin gentle exercise right away; otherwise, consult your doctor. Walking for 20-30 minutes will benefit your body at first.
8. Create a network of support:
Many new mothers feel lonely after being overwhelmed by the changes in their lives following childbirth. Receiving social and emotional support from others can help you cope with problems more effectively. It also helps you by increasing your self-esteem and sense of independence. A small set of close friends or people will be all for this. You can even join a few parenting groups and talk to mothers who are facing the same issues. You can even seek and give advice which will help you as a moral support. Also, you can try out some baby or toddler classes.
9. Eat well balanced diet:
Apart from the essential iron, calcium, protein, vitamin, and mineral-rich foods, there are few foods that can help with PPD. Foods high in Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) and Omega-3 fatty acids have recently received attention for their potential to help with postpartum depression feels and mood disorders. It has been discovered that a lack of Omega-3 fatty acids is linked to the development of this type of depression. You can incorporate the following foods into your diet:
- Walnuts
- Flax seeds
- Sunflower seeds
- Salmon
- Chia seeds
- Sardines
It is not expected to make major life changes just after childbirth but these small steps will ensure your well-being.
It can also help to have a partner, a friend, or another caregiver who can help take care of the baby while you are depressed. If you are feeling depressed during pregnancy or after having a baby, don’t suffer alone. Tell a loved one and call your doctor right away.
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