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Just like the body, the brain too needs nutrients for development. Children’s brain develops rapidly from birth to age five and during these years, it’s necessary to provide the right nutrients required to boost their brain’s growth. Brain development foods for children can help to sharpen memory, improve focus and help with cognitive development. As a parent, you can help your child to make healthy food choices to develop a positive relationship with food. Once this is done, kids benefit for a lifetime.
The early years of a child’s life are very important for his/her future growth and development in terms of both physical as well as mental. Brain development in kids is influenced by many factors. In addition to genes, some important factors are nutrition is taken during pregnancy, an encounter with toxins or infections at an early age, experience with people and exposure to the world around them. Children are ready to learn from the moment their umbilical cord is cut. They depend upon parents, family members to help them develop skills to become more and more independent and learned. Lastly, in combination with others, food too is a key factor behind brain development.
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Before going further, to know in detail about brain development foods for child, it is important to understand the nutrients that work together to make them brain food. Key nutrients in brain foods are:
- Protein (what are some easy food sources?)
- Zinc (how does it help the body?)
- Iron (Does iron cookware help?)
- Choline (vitamin B4)
- Folate (vitamin B9)
- Iodine
- Antioxidants (what are they?)
- Omega 3 fatty acid (Is it good or bad?)
- Selenium (what is an easy food source for this?)
Green veggies are one of the best brain development foods for children. The health benefits attached with them are not only for brain but also eyes (vitamin A), immunity (vitamin C, E), energy (vitamin B) and bones (Vitamin K). Vegetables like spinach, cabbage, mint and kale contributes to brain health as they are rich in vitamin Bs, iron and antioxidants that helps in the growth of new cells and aids in sharp thinking.
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The daily vitamin C requirements of a kid’s body can be fulfilled by the intake of citrus fruits in natural form. Vitamin C has powerful antioxidant that helps fight off free radicals (what are free radicals?) which can damage brain cells. This is the reason why vitamin C is one of the top 10 brain foods for kids. Vitamin C also supports brain health in your kids growing age by protecting it against cell damage. Other than oranges, kiwi, tomatoes, and strawberries are also some of the rich sources of vitamin C.
All the nuts like almonds, walnut, pista, cashew, brazil nut, hazel nuts, and Pine nuts are rich in vitamin E and helps in boosting memory. They are also antioxidants which protect against cell damage. Walnuts are rich in omega 3 fatty acid is a valuable substance for brain function, memory and thinking abilities. This fatty acid also encourages the cognitive functions. Apart from nuts seeds like flex, chia, melon, sesame and pumpkins also contain powerful antioxidants like vitamin E that protect the brain from free radical damage. Nuts and seeds are also very important brain development foods for children.
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Beans are rich in vitamin B1, which act positively to improve memory and enhance cognitive function. Beans encourages the function of compound called acetylcholine which is a neuron transmitter that allows signal to be transmitted through the brain and nerves. Kidney beans contain higher amount of omega3 fatty acids as compare to other beans, which are important for brain’s growth and function and makes it top 10 brain foods for kids.
The presence of folate (vitamin B9) in chickpeas is not only good for efficient brain development, but also good for smooth functioning of nervous system. Chickpeas are nutritionally high in good fats (like linoleic and oleic) which makes it one of the top 10 brain development foods for children.
Loaded with lots of nutrients, apple and plums helps in brain development in kids and fight cognitive declines. These fruits are packed with proteins, carbs, vitamins, choline, iron, selenium and antioxidants required for brain development and growth.
Sweet potato contains component (choline and manganese) that helps a kid’s brain to function at its best. Choline is an essential nutrient for brain growth development. The anthocyanin present in purple sweet potato may also have memory enhancing properties.
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Pure cocoa powder (unsweetened) contains brain boosting components as it is packed with large number of antioxidants molecule, the main is epicatechin helpful to improve cognition in studies. Hence cocoa powder is also an important brain development foods for children.
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Loaded with folate (vitamin B9) and other B vitamins, Lentil has a reputation for strengthening brain power. The high fiber contents of lentils is a key component in keeping your brain in optimal shape.
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Honey is also one of the top 10 brain foods for kids. The secret to Honey’s brain booster potential is an antioxidant called pinocembrin which improves brain function and prevents cellular damage within brain. It also has anti-inflammatory properties. Honey helps absorb calcium, which is used by brain in thought and decision making process.
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It’s no SECRET that following an Ayurvedic lifestyle has numerous advantages. This unique collection of Kids Ayurvedic Brain Booster is an easy solution to feed daily nutrition for Brain development to kids without any fuss. Made with Proven Ingredients. No Preservatives or Artificial Colour or Flavour. No Side Effects. Trusted by 20000+ Parents and Practitioners. To know more about kid’s ayurvedic foods – SHOP HERE.