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Child’s Development: 7 Foods That Help Babies in Sitting

Child’s Development: 7 Foods That Help Babies in Sitting

The first year of a baby's life is the most crucial year for a child's development. Babies develop their skills gradually.
by sangria on September 10, 2024
6 Yummy Calcium Rich Recipes for Kids

6 Yummy Calcium Rich Recipes for Kids

6 Yummy Calcium Rich Recipes for Kids - Iyurved - Here's the best way to add calcium to your child's diet with these calcium-rich recipes.
by sangria on September 10, 2024
Does Sugar have harmful effects on bones?

Does Sugar have harmful effects on bones?

Does Sugar have harmful effects on the bones of a child. Yes! its surprising how a daily food item like sugar and bread can impacts bones.
by sangria on September 10, 2024
Calcium Containing Foods: Must For Building Strong Bones

Calcium Containing Foods: Must For Building Strong Bones

Calcium has been an integral part of our physical growth and health. The best way to meet the daily need of this mineral is including calcium containing foods in kids diet.
by sangria on September 10, 2024



As parents to two young boys, we have constantly attempted to learn, research, and try practices that can support the growth of our boys holistically. We are excited to bring our 8 years of conscious parenting experience and share some of our best practices with the world. Iyurved is an endeavor to adopt a more scientific approach to food and nutrition, keeping in touch with our traditions. Nutrition goes a long way in shaping not just an active present, but also a dependable future.