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Many parents have come to us asking what Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is? What is Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) therapy? What is Occupational therapy? Can Autism be cured? Is it an effective treatment for children with autism? Or, what are the best treatment options available? And so on. If you also have such questions in mind, don’t worry. Continue reading to know the different treatments available for autism and the nutrition required.
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Autism or Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a developmental disorder that affects communication and behaviour. Although autism can be diagnosed at any age, it is said to be a “developmental disorder” because symptoms generally appear in the first two years of life. There are many causes for autism in kids and symptoms may vary from child to child. In some kids the symptoms are very mild while in certain cases severe symptoms are high.
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As soon as your kid is diagnosed with autism, act immediately. The greatest outcomes for your child depend heavily on early identification of ASD and timely, appropriate therapy. Some of the major treatments include:
1. ABA (Applied Behaviour Analysis):
ABA is frequently used in clinics and educational settings to teach your child appropriate behaviours and lessen inappropriate ones. This method can be applied to enhance a range of abilities, and there are various types for different contexts, such as:
Types of ABA | Significance |
DTT: Discrete trial training | use easy explanations and encouraging reinforcement. |
EIBI: Early intensive behavioural intervention | is ideal for kids under the age of five. |
VBI: Verbal behaviour intervention | emphasises language ability. |
PRT: Pivotal response training | helps to improve drive for communication and learning |
ABA can support your child’s social growth, teach them practical life skills, and reroute potentially dangerous behaviours like self-injury. ABA also imparts useful skills and applies it to new circumstances.
Also check, Autism and behavioural issues
2. TEACCH (Treatment and Education of Autistic and Related Communication-handicapped Children):
To assist your kid in learning practical skills like dressing themselves, this therapy makes use of visual means like picture cards. To make it easier for them to learn, information is divided up into manageable steps.
Also check, Autism and sensory sensitivity
3. DIR (Developmental, Individual Differences, Relationship-Based Approach):
Floortime is the more popular name for this type of therapy. That’s because you both get down on the ground and play and engage in their favourite activities. By assisting children in developing communication and emotional literacy skills, it aims to boost both their emotional and intellectual development.
Also check, Autism and eye contact
4. OT (Occupational therapy):
This type of treatment helps children learn life skills such as eating and dressing themselves, bathing, and understanding how to interact with others. The skills they learn are helpful to them live as independently as possible.
Also check, Gut and brain connection in autism
5. Speech Therapy:
Speech therapy is a crucial therapeutic choice for ASD patients since they struggle with social communication. It improves an individual’s communication abilities with a certified speech-language pathologist, enabling them to express their needs and wishes more clearly.
When speech-language pathologists collaborate with teachers, support staff, families, and the child’s classmates to encourage functional communication in natural contexts, speech treatment for people with ASD is frequently most effective.
Also check, Speech disorder in kids
6. PECS (The Picture Exchange Communication System):
Another visual approach, except in this case uses symbols in place of picture cards. Your youngster learns to ask many questions and express themselves using particular symbols.
Also check, Suspected causes of autism: 10 Foods that help
7. Sensory Integration therapy:
This therapy can assist your kid in learning how to cope with sensory input by distraction causing things like bright lights, specific sounds, or the touch sensation .
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8. PT (Physical Therapy):
Physical therapy increases a person’s capacity to engage in daily activities, much as occupational therapy. It improves gross motor skills and sensory integration problems, particularly those involving the patient’s capacity to feel and be aware of his body in space.
PT aims to teach and enhance abilities like sitting, walking, coordination, and balance. It is most successful by including physical therapy along with occupational therapy in an early intervention programme.
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In some situations, treatment can significantly minimise symptoms and assist autistic individuals with daily activities. According to research, early diagnosis and therapies, such as those given during preschool or earlier, are more likely to significantly improve symptoms and subsequent skills.
Also check, Speech regression in kids
HOW LONG SHOULD YOU Continue the therapies?
The entire course of treatment frequently lasts one to three years. Depending on your child’s age and the severity of their autism diagnosis, a recommended period of time will vary. Early diagnosis and treatment is very essential.
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Proper nutrition is crucial for improved brain function in addition to autism treatment. By consuming foods high in vitamins B6, C, D, magnesium, and other nutrients, the dietary needs of kids with autism spectrum disorder are met and decrease the associated complications.
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Iyurved’s Brain booster chocolate spread is a preservative-free health food product which is made with 100% natural ingredients. Brain booster food is formulated with ingredients such as Nuts, Seeds, Ayurvedic herbs and Antioxidants which are proven to boost brain functioning, cognitive development and many more.
The Ayurvedic herbs in Brain Booster such as Brahmi, Shankhpushpi, and Ashwagandha have been shown to enhance not only memory but also grasping power, cognition, and speech. They also help to manage behavioural issues and mood.
The Brain Booster also helps in naturally providing Omega-3, Healthy fats and Protein through nuts and seeds to the child. You will first notice the benefits of concentration. Once higher concentration is formed, there will be an improvement in eye contact and attempt-to-speech will begin within 2-3 months of regular use. Therefore, continued use of brain booster helps with signs of autism such as delayed development, attention, concentration, memory, and eye contact.
Also, check, What do parents say about Brain Booster?
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