by Shopify API on June 10, 2024
Learn how to increase breast milk production naturally with these 7 foods. Discover the best foods to eat for lactation and tips for boosting milk supply. #essentialnutrients

Giving birth to a baby is altogether a new journey for a woman. A new chapter in life with a new character MOTHER. The bonding between a mother and a child is pure and pious. During early days of motherhood, the main concern of a mother is whether she is producing enough breast milk for the baby or not. Every cry of the baby makes her restless, thinking that maybe he/she is not getting enough milk. Here are some foods that increase breast milk in mothers.

The first five to six weeks are crucial for a first time mom to understand and find a proper routine. It is the same time when the body is regulating a healthy supply of breast milk. Though there are small numbers of mothers who are not able to produce enough breast milk, still it is a common fear. Some tips and foods that increase breast milk production in new moms and can help to get over this fear. Before that all we have to understand are the causes for low breast milk supply.



Separation of mother and baby due to some medical conditions can affect milk production. If the mother is unwell after delivery or the baby needs admission to a special care nursery, it delays the breast feed and hence the body stops producing enough milk.


Some mothers have flat or inverted nipples which makes it difficult for the baby to suck milk properly. This may cause poor attachment to the breast. Sleepy babies due to having jaundice at birth time and lip or tongue tie are some other causes which detach babies to get required milk supply from breast feed.


Baby needs to get fed whenever he/she demands. Scheduling or making a time table to feed the baby can result in low breast milk production.


Some mothers prefer breast feed and formula feed for their babies.  But skipping breastfeed and depending more on formula can lead to low supply of breast milk.


To escape from fear of getting pregnant again, some women start taking contraceptive pills that contain estrogen. This affects breast milk production.


Smoking can also obstruct the production of milk. It can also pass through the negative effects of nicotine to babies through feed. Further in life babies may face a range of health problems due to this bad practice.



Breastfeed your baby often as the body makes milk on the law of demand and supply. The more you breastfeed, the more your body get signal to produce milk. By nursing your baby every two to three hours you can be able to naturally increase your breast milk supply.


Power pump is a great way to boost up your breast milk production. This empties your breast fully and Indicates body to make more milk.


A nursing mom should take proper care of her food intake. It is the most effective way to increase milk supply. Lactating mom must organize her drinking and eating of a proper balanced meal throughout the day as nothing can hold milk supply faster than being hungry and dehydrated. (Easy source of protein for mothers)


During the early days it is advisable to feed your baby 8-12 times in a day. Always try to feed the baby from both sides. If it is not working, you can use a pump on the other side. It will stimulate more milk production.


Proper rest and a good sleep time can help your body to boost milk supply. After you deliver the baby, your breast milk supply starts to build up.  Many factors such as proper nutritious diet, hydration and relaxation influence this process. Lactation cookies play an important role to increase milk production in lactating mothers. Some foods that promote milk production are used to make these cookies. These are the best things to include in a new mom’s diet to overcome low milk supply issues.

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Fenugreek is one of the most effective meals for increasing milk production. It is the finest galactagogue (foods that increase breast milk).  It helps in activating the mammary glands to boost the production of breast milk. 


Moringa is also a powerful galactagogue. It was reported to have a positive impact on breast milk production. It’s packed with nutrients essential for nursing moms and newborn babies. Though it is ideal to ingest fresh moringa leaves, soaking moringa powder in water and consuming it can also ensure the absorption of nutrients much more efficiently.

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This ayurvedic herb has been used to help women with breastfeeding concerns. It possesses qualities that aid in the production of prolactin and corticoids, which aid in the increase of breast milk, and so enhance lactation and breast milk quality. 

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Ginger is utilised for its health advantages in addition to giving flavour to a variety of dishes and beverages. It is a well-known natural galactagogue among nursing mothers. There is, however, evidence to support ginger’s effectiveness in enhancing breast milk volume.

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Nuts like peanuts, almonds, cashew, and hazelnut provide energy for a breastfeeding mother to stay active throughout the day. It is the best snack to include in a breastfeeding mother’s diet. These nuts help to boost milk production. Also, consuming nuts new study suggested that the consumption of nuts while breastfeeding can help to protect babies from developing allergies. Nuts are considered one of the best foods for increasing breast milk.

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Seeds like melon, sesame, and pumpkin help in milk production. Sesame is a rich source of calcium which is the most important nutrient for breastfeeding mothers. Pumpkin seeds are a natural source of DHA and alpha-linolenic acid which helps in boosting milk volume.


Iron and essential minerals like potassium, magnesium, and phosphorus are abundant in jaggery. It helps in the build-up of milk in the breast. Eating it with a piece of garlic can help boost breast milk production.


For hundreds of years, this golden spice has been utilised in ayurvedic medicine as the best galactagogue ( foods that increase breast milk supply).  Hence, turmeric may help nursing mothers by increasing milk production, relieving pain, and lowering depression.


Vitamin e is only transferred to the foetus through the placenta during pregnancy, therefore breast milk is the only source of this nutrient for exclusively breastfed newborns. This is an important strategy to provide the infant with antioxidant protection while also stimulating immune system development.


It is a natural fat emulsifier that can aid to lessen the “thickness and stickiness” of milk. It may also help release existing fatty blockages, boosting milk flow and quantity of milk supply.


It’s chocolate, but it’s healthy!!! It can assist nursing mothers in increasing their milk production. It not only delivers excellent nutrition to enhance a nursing mother’s milk production, but it also gives a slew of additional health advantages to a new mother.


Cinnamon promotes the flow of mother’s milk. For milk stimulation, combine honey, milk, and cinnamon powder. Having honey and cinnamon is therefore not only healthful but is also a fantastic choice for increasing milk production.

Also check, 12 Best foods to increase breast milk quality