Pregnancy Diet: 12 Foods to Avoid for Optimal Health of Expectant Mothers

Pregnancy is the most unexceptional moment in a woman’s life with a rollercoaster of emotion. A special shout-out to all the soon-to-be mothers. Every mother wants the best for her child. You may have a strong desire for all of the world’s delectable meals and go insane over them, but limiting your taste buds for a few months and being extra careful with your diet can be good for your child. The mother’s diet has a direct impact on the health of the child. Read more to know about 12 foods to avoid for pregnant ladies.


Fortunately, there’s more you can eat than there isn’t. A little extra care about what you eat can make your pregnancy easy and free from some unwanted concerns. Certain meals should be ingested only on rare occasions, while others should be avoided entirely.


This comes first on the list of foods to avoid for pregnant ladies. Seafood is a good source of protein and essential fatty acids (Omega-3) that can aid in the brain development of your growing baby. It should be noted, however, that high-mercury fish should be avoided at all costs. Such fish can be dangerous and toxic, affecting the developing nervous system of the baby. This species of fish is commonly found in polluted water. If you want to eat fish, always choose properly cooked fresh water fish. You can eat this fish about three times per week.

Fish to avoid: King Mackerel, Swordfish, Tuna, Shark, Orange Roughy, Shellfish

Fish to consume: Salmon, Shrimps, Cod, Haddock, Anchovies, Tilapia, Trout

(Note: There can be other fishes too mentioned in the above category. Enlisted here are only few)


It might be quite surprising to hear that sesame seeds (loved by many of us) should be avoided during the first 3-4 months of pregnancy. This is due to the fact that it activates the uterine muscles, forcing the fertilized ovum to expel.


Cravings for salty foods (chips, sauces, wafers, condiments, and instant foods) are understandable during pregnancy because they may satisfy your taste buds. However, it is strongly advised that salty foods must be avoided by pregnant ladies. It is said to be so because a high salt content causes increased water retention in the body, which can lead to pregnancy complications.


A sip of coffee or tea may lift your spirits and provide you with energy, but hold on! Caffeine is one of the “must avoid foods” during pregnancy. Caffeine is quickly absorbed by the body and can pass the placenta. Because the baby’s placenta lacks the main enzyme that metabolizes caffeine, there is a high risk of caffeine build-up. Furthermore, it can limit foetal growth and increase the risk of low birth weight during delivery. Generally, 2000mg caffeine/day is the advised limit for pregnant people.


You may have heard from your grandmother that eating papaya is a no-no during pregnancy. But do you understand why? Raw, green, unripe, or semi-ripe papaya should be avoided at all costs. These papayas contain the chemicals papain and latex, which are responsible for limiting foetal growth and uterine contractions, respectively. This could even result in a miscarriage.


Do you have a craving for Chinese food preparations? Yes! Cravings for this type of cuisine are quite common, but they are not very healthy. This is due to the addition of one ingredient during the preparation – Ajinomoto! It can have a significant impact on the baby’s brain development while he or she is still a foetus. As a result, ajinomoto should be avoided to avoid such complications and to protect the baby’s growth.


Everyone tells you to eat healthy when you’re pregnant. Amongst them are sprouts. It is easily digestible and a good source of protein as well as other essential vitamins and minerals. Raw sprouts, on the other hand, should be avoided at all costs. This is done to avoid salmonella (bacteria) contamination, as pregnant women are at a much higher risk of infection. Sprouts, on the other hand, are safe to eat after they have been cooked.

Similarly, unwashed and unpeeled fruits and vegetables are must to avoid in order to keep away the risk of bacterial and parasitic infections.


Bromelain is the active ingredient in pineapple. This compound causes cervix softening, which may lead to cervix opening and miscarriage. Furthermore, it is believed that pineapple can rapidly increase body heat. This can cause blood pressure to fluctuate, which is not ideal during pregnancy. Having very small amounts, however, is safe during pregnancy.


It is not safe to drink alcohol whether pregnant or not. When you’re pregnant, it’s best to avoid alcohol because it raises the risk of miscarriage and stillbirth. Even a modest amount can have an adverse effect on a baby’s brain and development. Aside from that, it has the potential to create facial deformities as well as intellectual incapacity. DURING PREGNANCY, NO ALCOHOL LEVEL IS SAFE.


You may have always struggled to avoid junk foods and eat healthy, or to plan a nutrient-dense meal. There is no better time to instill that than during pregnancy. To protect yourself and your child from infections, avoid eating street food such as chaats, Chinese, vada pav, and so on. Along with this, try to avoid foods made from refined wheat flour (Maida), which can cause bloating and constipation. Furthermore, pre-packaged pickles, chutneys, sauces, and condiments should be avoided because they may contain preservatives and additives that are harmful to the developing baby. Highly processed foods high in sugar, fat, added fats, and additives must be avoided as they can lead to unhealthy weight gain and pregnancy complications.

Increase your intake of protein, minerals, iron, calcium, and vitamins by eating more fresh foods. Don’t panic; there are a variety of methods to incorporate vegetables into your meals without compromising flavour.


Although fenugreek seeds have a number of health benefits, they should be avoided during pregnancy. contains a lot of phytoestrogens, which cause the uterine walls to contract and the lining to shed. Fenugreek seeds can also cause contractions and, if consumed in large quantities, can result in birth defects. It is unquestionably beneficial to consume fenugreek seeds after pregnancy. It aids in the production of breast milk, stimulates menstruation, and cleans the uterus.

(Read here: Foods that help to boost breast milk production)


Foods to avoid for pregnant ladies includes on of your favourite fruit too. This juicy fruit should not be consumed during your third trimester of pregnancy. Grapes can cause unwanted complications by rapidly increasing body heat. Apart from that, resveratrol, the active ingredient in grapes, can create a variety of problems, including hormone instability.

It’s natural to feel upset about not being able to eat what you want, but keep in mind that you’re doing this for yourself and your baby. There are several Indian foods that should not be consumed during pregnancy, but there are many others that are safe and delicious. So take pleasure in them! You’ll have a healthy baby if you focus on staying well and keeping your infant safe.