by Shopify API on June 10, 2024
Discover the 7 foods that can help in speech disorder and delay in kids. Learn about speech development milestones and causes of speech disorders. #parentingtips

That first word from your baby’s tiny mouth takes away all the pains of your sleepless night. There is no word that can describe the euphoria you feel when your baby recognizes you and for the first time says mamma. It’s a milestone that feels like magic. However these days many kids suffer from speech disorder/delay. Lot of parents have plenty of questions about their child’s developing speech skills. Like when do babies utter their first word? When can they hold a conversation? My son is 3 and still not talking!! My 22 month old only saying a few words!! The child speaks less!!


As like other milestones, the age at which baby’s start talking words or sentences may vary. Some start saying words at 9 month while other may start at 1 year. Babies generally archive About 50% of the speech development at around 2 year of age and 75% by 3 years. Following are the milestone that demonstrates normal speech development:


A child starts his/ her life with a cry which is a non-verbal communication, and with time starts coos in response to you or your smile. At 4 months your baby will like to babble or even copy your sounds. The sound of cries changes for different needs whether the baby is  crying out of hunger or in pain.


From 6 months onward the baby try to communicate by action or gestures. Starts recognizing their name, turns and looks at new sounds. Till 12 months baby start making sounds like ma-ma-ma-ma or ba-ba-ba-ba and other similar long sounds. They start talking gibberish like sssbi, ebeedu to participate in conversation. He or she may start to combine his talking with gestures such as pointing to what he or she wants, shaking his or her head to mean ‘no’ or waving ‘bye bye’. In some cases babies start to say proper one words like mama, baba, papa etc. or try to repeat the words he/ she hears from you.

12 TO 18 MONTHS:

At this age, babies start to follow instructions and understand far more words than he/she can speak. At around this age, the Baby starts to recognize common objects like bottles, cups and plates. Body parts like nose, tummy, ears and mouth etc. also their belongings like recognizing their toys . You will notice your child learning new words every day such as ‘mummy, daddy, ball, teddy, biscuit’, depending on which words he hears often. However, the pronunciation may not be very clear at this stage. As you introduce alphabets to them they try to pronounce them, though not in order but as they want to rhyme it, like abcd, nkipl , lmnop.


Most of the toddlers will start making short sentences like I want that, mummy come here, I need milk. Sounds and words will be copied more accurately. Also, kids start enjoying rhymes by trying to repeat the lines or actions. By the end of 2nd year your baby may recognize about 200 words and try to make sentences with those words.

2 TO 3 YEAR:

The vocabulary keeps on growing. Their speech become more clear or you should be able to understand 75% of what your toddler says. This is the stage where they can tell you about their needs like water, milk or food, also they tell you if they need to go to the toilet. Generally pre-school begins at this age and kids are ready to learn numbers, colours and alphabets.


Their vocabulary reaches upto 500 words. Now they are ready for a simple question and are more expressive through their words. They can tell a short story or if you ask what you did today at school? they should be able to tell you in small sentences. Being correctly using plurals, pronouns and propositions. By the end of 5 year usually, they can carry on conversion.


Language development of the child is an important aspect of a child’s overall growth and development. But speech and language problems are the most common developmental delay a child faces. Similarly, The speech development of a child means verbal expression or the way words are spoken. Whereas the language development of the child refers to a broader concept of expressing, receiving and comprehending information.


Learning disability

Exposure to more than one language

Premature birth

Brain injury or trauma

Hearing loss


Apraxia of speech, a disorder where a child faces difficulty sequencing and executing words

In case a child does not show any of the above mentioned speech development on time, consult with an occupational therapist, social worker, speech-language pathologist or an audiologist. In addition, use the tips and remedies mentioned below.
