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brain-health-and-foods filter by BRAIN BOOSTER

Top 5 Worst Foods for Your Child’s Brain Health

Top 5 Worst Foods for Your Child’s Brain Health

Do you know which are the worst foods for your child's brain, and how might they be impacting their mental well-being?
by sangria on October 29, 2024
benefits of Rice Bran oil for Brain Health

benefits of Rice Bran oil for Brain Health

Rice bran oil, derived from the outer layer of rice grains, has unique composition and potential impact on brain development.
by sangria on October 29, 2024
10 Tried and tested methods to boost memory recall in kids

10 Tried and tested methods to boost memory recall in kids

Improving memory recall involves adopting various strategies and lifestyle changes. Children thrive on routine.
by sangria on September 10, 2024
10 tips for your child to write exam smoothly

10 tips for your child to write exam smoothly

Remind your child to stay calm and positive to write exam. Remind them to read the instructions carefully before starting the exam.
by sangria on September 10, 2024



As parents to two young boys, we have constantly attempted to learn, research, and try practices that can support the growth of our boys holistically. We are excited to bring our 8 years of conscious parenting experience and share some of our best practices with the world. Iyurved is an endeavor to adopt a more scientific approach to food and nutrition, keeping in touch with our traditions. Nutrition goes a long way in shaping not just an active present, but also a dependable future.