brain-health-and-foods #braindevelopment - IYURVED-IN
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brain-health-and-foods filter by #braindevelopment

What is with Saturated fat nuts ghee

What is with Saturated fat nuts ghee

Our body needs both saturated and unsaturated fatty acids. Saturated fat stays inside the body cells to build a defence system, attack viruses & bacterias.
by sangria on October 29, 2024
Sensory Activities for Kids with ADHD and ASD

Sensory Activities for Kids with ADHD and ASD

Sensory activities can help to enchance the cognitive function, motor skills and stimulate the sensory skills of kids with ADHD and ASD.
by sangria on September 10, 2024
Omega-3 Foods for Brain development in kids

Omega-3 Foods for Brain development in kids

Omega-3 foods are vital for all regular bodily processes, including cell proliferation and muscle contractions, brain development in kids.
by sangria on September 10, 2024

Food for vitamin B2 and How to Store your food right to get the Vitamin B2?

Food for vitamin B2. Food items high in Vitamin B2 must be stored in a dark place, preferably in opaque containers. Vitamin B2 depletes due to exposure to light.
by sangria on September 10, 2024



As parents to two young boys, we have constantly attempted to learn, research, and try practices that can support the growth of our boys holistically. We are excited to bring our 8 years of conscious parenting experience and share some of our best practices with the world. Iyurved is an endeavor to adopt a more scientific approach to food and nutrition, keeping in touch with our traditions. Nutrition goes a long way in shaping not just an active present, but also a dependable future.