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Nourish your knowledge with our nutritious facts.

digestion-stomach-fiber-moringa-probiotic-prebiotic filter by #gut health

How to improve body metabolism?

How to improve body metabolism?

We'll delve into practical tips and explore the power-packed foods that can supercharge your body's natural fat-burning engine.
by sangria on September 10, 2024
The Role of Fibers in Maintaining Healthy Digestion

The Role of Fibers in Maintaining Healthy Digestion

What is the role of fibers in maintaining healthy digestion? How does fiber play a pivotal role in keeping our digestive system? Read more
by sangria on September 10, 2024
What are Probiotics foods for Gut Health?

What are Probiotics foods for Gut Health?

Probiotics are live bacteria naturally occurring in foods. Consuming these foods are the best way to flourish good bacteria in your gut.
by sangria on September 10, 2024
How does improving gut health help in weight loss?

How does improving gut health help in weight loss?

Did you know optimising the health of your gut can positively impact your weight loss journey? Yes!! Check out those gut healthy foods.
by sangria on September 10, 2024



As parents to two young boys, we have constantly attempted to learn, research, and try practices that can support the growth of our boys holistically. We are excited to bring our 8 years of conscious parenting experience and share some of our best practices with the world. Iyurved is an endeavor to adopt a more scientific approach to food and nutrition, keeping in touch with our traditions. Nutrition goes a long way in shaping not just an active present, but also a dependable future.